Read our feature in The Washington Post here
By developing tools and services to enable organizations to make data-driven decisions about
their spaces
Space is most organizations' second largest cost and space decisions affect the wellness, performance, and satisfaction of every staff member, customer and visitor that walks through the door. We think these decisions should be informed by data backed information, not politics, anecdote or perception.
This is why we exist, it's why we created the concept of Spatial Auditing, to provide our clients with objective, fact based, decision ready spatial information to better serve their company, their staff and their customers.
Our patented technology and unparalleled expertise allows us to extract meaningful data from siloed sources, augment it with real time sensor data, and generate and relay novel and actionable insights for our clients.
Counter perception with data to avoid unnecessary builds and leases
The average organization uses less than 60% of their space, yet they lack the data to objectively evaluate and address requests for additional space. The result is that perception, anecdote, and politics often drive decisions and result in adding costly and unnecessary space without addressing the underlying operational or cultural issues.
Our Space Needs Vetting offering serves as a vital check in any expansion process, making sure any proposed space addition is grounded in fact based need. This offering consists of the analysis of utilization and occupancy data, which can be vetted by on site sensors, combined with operational, staffing, and customer data to provide quantified insights into the actual operational and growth constraints of the business. The result: most businesses can grow their staff and customer base by 30% or more within their existing space.
Prioritize upgrades, right size space, and optimize operations
We gather all space, assignment, scheduled use and occupancy data into a single integrated database connected to interactive web based visualizations, allowing clients to identify unused and underused spaces and times, detect unbalanced schedule loads and prioritize upgrades and maintenance by identifying the characteristics of space that drive demand.
Optimize your environment for wellness, comfort and performance
We use exterior weather stations and custom interior sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, air quality, light and noise levels inside and outside client spaces. These sensors report back to our patented 4Daptive database and web based analytics platform in real time, alerting clients to dangerous conditions, communicating with building management systems, and enabling environmental tuning for staff comfort and performance.